The updates I made to
blockBUZZter for
BUZZWOO! just made it to the App Store! You’ll be
happy to know that
blockBUZZter has
English support …
The story behind iFonts
I needed the list of available fonts in iOS to send to my designer. I searched
the web and found that there are lots of iOS font lists out there
( …
iFonts Price Change
Inspired by this article, we’ve changed the price for iFonts from
free to 99 cents. iFonts is a valuable app – it’s a great way to email …
iFonts 1.1
Apple just approved iFonts 1.1! This release contains performance and UI
improvements as well as a new feature: the ability to enter text to see it …
Git Delete Last Commit
A really helpful post that helped me undo a mess I made.
Blog Action Day 2010
It’s hard for me to believe there are almost a billion people in the world who
don’t have clean water. To help them get it, you can …
Fonts for iPad & iPhone
Excellent article
by Michael Critz on what fonts are available on iOS. If you have an
iOS device, you can view and email the list of available fonts …
iFonts 1.0 released!
We’re happy to announce that we released iFonts last week! It’s our first app,
and we’re really excited about it! It’s a tool …
Downgrading iPad from 4.2 to 3.2.2 on OS X
To restore your iPad from a newer version (beta, perhaps?) of iOS to a
previous version of the OS (such as 3.2.2, the latest release), do the …
Undoing the last git commit
Really simple: git revert HEAD Source: Git Book – Undoing in Git