Nothing else. Don’t make assertions about the code you wrote in the test. Don’t make assertions about other methods in other classes. Isolate the method you’re testing using mocks or stubs and only test the method you’re testing. Your tests will be more clear and easier to debug. To do this, start by looking at each line in the method …
Detect Displays on macOS
Sometimes when I use an external display with my MacBook Pro in clamshell mode, nothing shows up — I just get a black screen. And when this happens, forcing macOS to “Detect Displays” can help. To trigger “Detect Displays” on macOS, just hit Command+F2 (brightness up). You can also do this using the trackpad: Navigate to System Preferences > Displays …
Running unit tests from the command line with xcodebuild
Previously, we discussed how Xcode 9.4.1 cannot run unit tests for Frameworks on macOS Mojave. I mentioned there that the workaround is to run unit tests from the command line, and a reader wrote in to ask how to do that. Here’s the xcodebuild command for one of my projects: xcodebuild clean test -project Repos.xcodeproj -scheme “Repos” -destination “name=iPhone X,OS=12.1” …
Xcode 9.4.1 cannot run unit tests for Frameworks on macOS Mojave
Are we still using Open Radar? Been a while since I’ve filed a bug report with Apple, but this one was too bad to let go. Xcode 9.4.1 will not run unit tests for Cocoa Touch frameworks on macOS Mojave. If you haven’t upgraded to Mojave yet and you’re working on any Cocoa Touch frameworks projects, you might want to …
WWDC 2018 What’s New in Testing Recap
In Apple’s WWDC 2018 talk on What’s New in Testing, they announced a big new feature: parallel testing. Parallel testing runs your test suite on multiple simulators at once, in parallel, so it takes significantly less time to run. And all you have to do is check a box in Xcode 10. If you don’t already have tests, you can …
WWDC 2018 What’s New in Swift Recap
In What’s New in Swift at WWDC 2018, Apple gave a quick overview of what’s new in Swift 4.2 and Swift 5. You can read my notes below, or you can watch the 40-minute video and download the slides from Apple. Community updates Swift 4.2: Faster builds Language features to improve efficiency SDK improvements for Swift Converging towards binary compatibility …
WWDC 2018 What’s new in Cocoa Touch Recap
In What’s new in Cocoa Touch at WWDC 2018, Apple gave an overview of framework updates (largely focused on performance), API enhancements, and Siri shortcuts. You can read my notes from the talk below, and you can watch the video and download the slides from Apple’s WWDC 2018 page. Overview Framework updates API enhancements Siri shortcuts Performance updates Scrolling Memory …
WWDC 2018 Platforms State of the Union Recap
In the Platforms State of the Union at WWDC 2018, Apple discussed new and updated tools and frameworks for developers. You can read my notes from the talk below, or you can watch the video in the unofficial WWDC app for macOS or in the official WWDC app for iOS. Privacy Trust is crucial as technology becomes more and more …
WWDC 2018 Keynote Recap
In today’s WWDC 2018 Keynote, Apple talked about new features and updates for iOS 12, watchOS 5, Apple TV, and macOS Mojave. If you missed the talk, you can get a quick overview with the rough cut of my notes below. You can also watch the 2+ hour talk or read Apple’s marketing pages for iOS 12, macOS Mojave, watchOS …
When to unit test private methods
Last week, we talked about why you shouldn’t unit test private methods. Today we’ll talk about why you should. Wait, what? I just told you that unit testing private methods was unnecessary because you can just test the public methods that call them. However, I was making a big assumption when I said that. I was assuming your public methods …