I’m tired of having Xcode’s auto-generated copyright headers in my files. They’re totally unnecessary and just add clutter to my code. And I hate clutter. Here’s how to get rid of the clutter and make your Swift files clean. (Thanks to Anthony for laying the foundation for this.) Create a new User File Template Quit Xcode. Bad things may happen …
The Best Resources for Getting Things Done with iOS Development
You’ve learned enough iOS development to build a master-detail app, and you can build table views without much trouble. But where do you go if you want to add in-app purchase to your app? How do you find the code you need to add maps, or Apple Pay, or HealthKit to your app? You could search with Google (DuckDuckGo?) or …
Top 10 things you need to know from WWDC 2015 as an iOS developer
or: How Xcode 7, Swift 2.0, and iOS 9 can help you build better iOS apps If you don’t have time to watch the all the WWDC 2015 videos to find out what’s happening with Xcode 7, Swift 2.0, and iOS 9, read on for a quick summary of what you – as an iOS developer – need to know …
How generics in Swift can lead to safer, cleaner code
If you’ve never done generic programming before, you may be scratching your head wondering “why would I ever do that?” Or maybe you’ve looked at generics and thought “what’s with all those pointy brackets?” In this article, we’ll look at why you’d want to use generics in classes, structs, or enums you define, and hopefully by the end you’ll have …
How to Make Your Users Awesome: What I Learned from Reading BADASS
Kathy Sierra’s new book, BADASS, has gotten me thinking differently about how I develop software and training classes. And while I may have believed in making users awesome before reading the book, I didn’t have much of an idea of how to do it. How do you make your users awesome? And what does that even mean? Let’s start with …
11 Xcode Keyboard Shortcuts to Make You More Productive
If you’re a developer and use keyboard shortcuts in your editor, you probably already know a bunch of Xcode keyboard shortcuts. You know you can: find text in a file with ⌘F create a new file with ⌘N open a new tab with ⌘T close a tab with ⌘W (Yep, just like in all the other editors out there, these …
How to size a table header view using Auto Layout in Interface Builder
If you’ve tried to create a table header view in Interface Builder, you may have noticed that it doesn’t size properly even when you have all the right constraints. Here’s what happens if you just set up your constraints: Even though all the constraints are set properly on the table header view, its height is clearly wrong since we want …
Will an iOS app run on a device the same way it does on the iOS simulator?
I frequently hear variations of the question: “Will an iOS app run on a device the same way it does in the simulator?” And usually when I dig in more, I find that the question behind the question – the real reason people are asking – is this: “Do I need to test my app on a device before submitting …
How to scale an image view based on device size with Auto Layout in Interface Builder
How do you make an image view scale based on device size using Auto Layout in Interface Builder? For example, let’s say we’re building a profile screen that has an image at the top like this: How can we make the image larger on larger devices where we have more screen real estate – but smaller on smaller devices? Can …
How to Change the Font for a Size Class in Interface Builder
Size classes in iOS 8 give you the ability to change the font for a given screen size – for example, you can have one size font for iPhones in landscape, and another size for iPhones in portrait. And while it’s simple to do, it’s not easy to find where to set the new font. To change the font for …