SnakeYAML and Groovy

“Why aren’t more of us using YAML with Java and Groovy?” From SnakeYAML and Groovy, my latest post on Inside the Machine.

Running Linux commands from history

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George
Santayana, (c/o Wikipedia) Sometimes I want to remember the …

We can be lifelong learners

From the Exploration chapter of Brain Rules: Researchers have shown that some regions of the adult brain stay as
malleable as a baby’s brain, …

Making decisions

Seth Godin’s recent post entitled Make a decision reminded me of a quote from
Psycho-Cybernetics that I wrote about a little while ago. I think …

Twitter is a waste of time

Neal Ford says Twitter Matters. I disagree. The problem with Twitter is that it’s not censored in any way, so you get a
lot of noise. In order …

The Duct Tape Programmer

From this post on Joel
Spolsky’s blog: Zawinski didn’t do many unit tests. They “sound great in principle. Given a
leisurely …

Who needs a mock framework?

“In Groovy, you can create mocks & stubs using native language features, so
you can forget about learning a mock framework.” From Who …


Before you automate something, learn to do it manually.