Are you stuck on a tricky iOS problem? Not sure of the best approach to solving some particular issue?
Get your Swift and iOS questions answered in a one-on-one consulting session. We’ll schedule a video call where can use screen sharing to pair program on your problem and discuss your questions. I’m generally available between 9 am and 5 pm Eastern.
Here’s what a few past clients have to say…
I’ve used everything from, Treehouse, Udemy, googling everything under the sun and even hiring people on for tips. Josh was able to answer all my questions and help me tie everything together in an hour.Nick Strayer
After our session, I was armed with solutions that took a fraction of the time than my previous plans and helped me save days of trial and error. You’ve seriously saved me quite a few days of coding.Jaz Garewal
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After you book your consultation, I’ll email you to schedule a time for our call.