Previously, we discussed how Xcode 9.4.1 cannot run unit tests for Frameworks on macOS Mojave. I mentioned there that the workaround is to run unit tests from the command line, and a reader wrote in to ask how to do that. Here’s the xcodebuild
command for one of my projects:
xcodebuild clean test -project Repos.xcodeproj -scheme "Repos" -destination "name=iPhone X,OS=12.1"
I always like to run clean
first since I’ve seen so many issues that are easily resolved with a clean. The test
subcommand tells it to run your unit tests in the given scheme. And finally, the destination
here tells it to run in the iPhone X simulator running iOS 12.1.
If you’re using an xcworkspace rather than an xcodeproj, you can replace the -project
part with -workspace
and give it the name of your workspace instead. Happy testing!