Sorry — the Beginning Swift course is no longer available. It was designed to help you learn Swift 1, and sadly, Swift 1 is rather old now. Get the free 5-Part Guide to Getting Started with Swift instead. (Additionally, I’d love to know how you got here so I can remove old links. You can email me at to let me know.)

Are you stuck trying to build your first Swift app?

It all started when you sat down to build your first Swift app. After laying out the UI, you started working on the view controller code – and realized you don’t know the UITableViewDataSource method signatures in Swift. In fact, you found out there’s a lot you don’t know when you struggled to create an array, work with optionals, and typecast – and the compiler is never happy with you. So you just set your little project aside to pick it up again another day. But now it’s been weeks since you touched it and you still don’t know Swift…

What if you could finish your first Swift app today?

What if you had someone to help you learn the syntax of Swift so you could start building your own app with it? You’d be confident with the language, and you’d have the experience you need to continue building with it. And you’d be able to build your own apps in Swift.

You don’t have to wrestle with the compiler as you build your first Swift app.

Learn to build an app in Swift that fetches JSON from a REST API

Finally, a Swift course that is relevant to programmers who have experience writing iOS apps!Christopher R.

The Beginning Swift course will get you up to speed on the basics – the building blocks you’ll need for almost any app – so you’re ready to write iOS apps in Swift. Once you have a foundation in practical Swift, you’ll be able to build your own app much faster. In the course, you’ll write an app that integrates with the iTunes JSON API in less than 30 minutes. And then you’ll do some refactoring to make it even better. In the course, you’ll:

  • adopt Model View ViewModel (MVVM) to prevent the Massive View Controller problem
  • get JSON from a REST API and parse it to display dynamic data in a table view
  • use Alamofire to make networking more convenient
  • add third-party frameworks to your app so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel
  • create a type-safe model layer to enlist the compiler’s help in tracking down errors
  • learn to work in Swift with the Cocoa Touch APIs you need for nearly every app, like view controllers and table views
  • define and access optionals safely, properly dealing with nil values
Even starting from zero I was able to follow along with the sample app and modify it to connect to a php web service on my server and parse the results into the table view.Roy Frieband

Start your journey to mastering Swift today with the Beginning Swift course.

Beginning Swift course screenshot

Ready to start learning Swift?
Sorry — the Beginning Swift course is no longer available. It was designed to help you learn Swift 1, and sadly, Swift 1 is rather old now. Get the free 5-Part Guide to Getting Started with Swift instead. (Additionally, I’d love to know how you got here so I can remove old links. You can email me at to let me know.)

When you buy the course, you’ll get:

The Course Guide

Designed to help you get the most out of the course, the course guide gives you brief overviews of each lesson, challenges to help you start thinking in Swift, links to sample code on GitHub, and articles you can read to go deeper on a topic.

3 Video Lessons

Lesson 1: Networking, JSON, Table Views, and MVVM
Lesson 2: Making Requests with Alamofire
Lesson 3: Creating a Type-Safe Model Layer

100% Money Back Guarantee

If you buy the course and do the work and you’re not fully satisfied, just send me an email and I’ll give you a full refund.

Want to share this with your team?

Send me an email and I’d be happy to discuss team pricing.

Who’s behind this course?

I’m Josh Brown, and like you, I’m an iOS developer. I dove into Swift head first while it was in beta and got banged up a bit. I pridefully thought – after doing iOS for 5 years and reading The Swift Programming Language – that I’d be able to build a simple table view app pretty quickly.

But then I realized I didn’t know the UITableViewDataSource method signatures in Swift. And I learned that dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier doesn’t actually return a UITableViewCell, so I couldn’t return it from cellForRowAtIndexPath. So I learned how to typecast. And then I ran into an optional in the cell’s text label. And while the compiler told me what to do about it, it didn’t explain why. It literally took me an entire afternoon of wrestling with the compiler to build the app you’ll build in 30 minutes in Lesson 1.

And that’s what I promise you with this course: it’ll save you time over hacking it yourself. It’ll save you the frustration of not knowing what’s wrong or how to fix it. And if you find that it’s not worth it to you, you’ll get your money back.